Have questions about any of the small groups below? Contact us!
Date: Monday evenings beginning January 13
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Location: Mudcat Bowling and Entertainment Centre / 1123 Broad St E Dunnville
Leader: Ralph ten Brinke
FOCUS: Fun and fellowship. Bowling at Mudcat Bowling from 7-8pm followed by hanging out at Tim Hortons till 8:30pm. Cost is $10/wk for bowling (includes shoes) plus coffee money for Timmies.
No childcare available
Date: Tuesday evenings beginning February 11
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Jubilee Community Church Prayer Room
Leader: Henriette Wassenaar
FOCUS: In this group you will learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported all the way. It is a place where grieving people find healing and hope.
Grief Share is a network of grief recovery support groups meeting around the world.
No childcare available
Date: Every other Tuesday morning beginning January 21
Time: 10:00-11:30am
Location: Jubilee Community Church Cafe
Leader: Kristine ten Brinke
FOCUS: A ladies' bible study journey through the Book of Acts with videos by Lisa Harper.
Join us for bible study, coffee, sweets, chit chat, and prayer.
A new series will begin after completing the last 2 weeks of Believing Jesus.
Childcare available